2024.11.09 15:36
Only Abide In the Gospel (2Peter 2:12-22) 오직 복음 안에 거하라 (벧후2 :12-22)
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Prev The Second Coming Is the Fulfillment of Christ's Covenant (2P...
The Second Coming Is the Fulfillment of Christ's Covenant (2P...
2024.11.09by 모세스
Don't Be Deceived By Lies and Prepare For the Second Coming (... Next
Don't Be Deceived By Lies and Prepare For the Second Coming (...
2024.11.09by 모세스
Sermon Video(N.T)
Sermon videos of the 66 books of the Bible - Video bulletin board
No. | Category | Subject | Author | Date | Views |
7 | 2Peter | The Life of the Saints Waiting for the Second Coming (2Peter 3:8-18) 재림을 기다리는 성도의삶(벧후 3:8-18) | 모세스 | 2024.11.09 | 8 |
6 | 2Peter | The Second Coming Is the Fulfillment of Christ's Covenant (2Peter 3:1-7) 재림은 그리스도 언약의 완성 (벧후3:1-7) | 모세스 | 2024.11.09 | 8 |
» | 2Peter | Only Abide In the Gospel (2Peter 2:12-22) 오직 복음 안에 거하라 (벧후2 :12-22) | 모세스 | 2024.11.09 | 8 |
4 | 2Peter | Don't Be Deceived By Lies and Prepare For the Second Coming (2 Pe 2:1-11) 거짓에 속지말고 재림을 대비(벧후2 :1-11) | 모세스 | 2024.11.09 | 8 |
3 | 2Peter | The Apostle's Last Call (2Peter 1:12-21) 사도의 마지막 당부 (베드로후서1:12-21) | 모세스 | 2024.11.09 | 8 |
2 | 2Peter | Make Your Calling Sure (2Peter 1:1-5) 너희 부르심을 굳게하라(벧후1:1-5) | 모세스 | 2024.11.09 | 8 |
1 | 2Peter | A Precious and Exceedingly Great Promise (2 Peter 1:1-7) 보배롭고 지극히 큰 약속 (벧후1:1-7) | 모세스 | 2024.11.09 | 8 |