Genesis 2
True Rest and True Happiness in God(Gen 2:1-17 )
<Introduction> Genesis 1 describes the creation of all things for man, Genesis 2 talks about the origin of man, his covenant with God, and the mission given. It is recorded in verse 7, 'He formed of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of God, and man became a living soul'. Verse 5 people to cultivate, verses 16-17 the fundamental covenant of creation that maintains a relationship with God, verse 19 giving names to all living things, the family and marriage relationship established by God through betrothal, verse 25 all things that are not lacking in pride It should be easy to explain the fact that it is a warrant of do.
The book of Genesis reveals the cause of all human problems, all problems on earth, and all problems in the universe. All the heroes had a miserable life, and the nations and many nations ended in failure. The hero Napoleon also died while spending days in mourning on the island of Godot, and Schopenhauer died while teaching a life of pessimism that life is the best way to die.
1. There is no happiness in all human beings apart from God. Without God, there are several important things:
1) There is no rest. (Genesis 3:16-20, Matthew 11:28 Come to me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest)
2) There is no real happiness. (John 3:1-6)
3) There is no real purpose. (Luke 16:19-31)
4) There is no real hope. (Rev 14:9-14)
5) They do not know that there is an afterlife. (Rev 14:9-11)
6) Especially there is no God who is the source of happiness. ( Psalms14:1)
2. God has true rest.
1) There is rest in God. (2:2 On the seventh day, when the work that God had
made was finished, he rested on the seventh day, because the work that
he had made was finished.)
2) There is rest in the day of God. (2:2)
3) There is rest in the creatures that God has made. (2:4-8)
<Application> We should value the day.
Is there the Lord's rest every day?
3. God-given blessings of creation
1) Pishon - The place where gold is covered
2) Gihon - The central role of Cushtan
3) Hiddekel - The central role of Assyria
4) Euphrates - the central role of Babylon
* He clearly gave the blessing of world conquest.
* He has given you the blessing of governing your material.
* The purpose is to glorify God.