The Fundamental Problem of Man (Genesis 3: 1-7)

by Hannah posted Oct 26, 2024


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Genesis 3


The Fundamental Problem of Man

(Genesis 3: 1-7)


1. The great problem of man is the appearance of sin and Satan.

1) Ezekiel. 28: 12-14

2) Isaiah 14: 10-14

3) Revelation 12: 1-9

4) Genesis. 3: 1-6

5) Ephesians 2: 1-2

6) 2 Corinthians 11:14

7) I Peter 5: 8

8) Judges 9:23

9) 2 Thessalonians 2: 10-11, 2 Corinthians 4: 4-5

10) Acts 16: 16-18, Mark 5: 1-10

11) Ephesians 6: 11-13, Ephesians 6:16


2. The method to fail Adam and Eve

1) Using the serpent (3:1)

2) Cause to complain (3:1)

3) Compromise (3:3)

4) Tell a lie. Falsehood (3:4)

* John 8: 44- The father of lies "will never die"

5) Pride (3: 5)

6) Temptation (3: 6)

7) The discovery of the flesh (3: 7)

When man left God, the spirit becomes dark and the flesh becomes bright.


3. Results

1) Gen. 3: 16-20

2) John 8:44 Man became a child of the devil.


4. The only solution

1) Gen. 3:15 God gave the gospel the first than the law.

2) Isa 7:14 The virgin conceived

3) I John 3: 8 Jesus Destroys the Work of the Devil