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Genesis 4


The appearance of a person who has left God

(Genesis 3: 8-24)


Heroes, kings, and wise men do not have successful examples of those who have left God. Even if it succeeded, there was no rest, and successful people was not the people of God, nor could it go to God's bosom. Therefore, there were about 16,000 wars in human history, and World War happened twice. There is no rest on the earth. People is looking for happiness but they keep falling into the fallen world


1. Man is living in sinful consciousness.

1) Avoiding the face of the Lord (8)

2) Hiding in a tree (8)

3) Fear God(10)

4) Shame and embarrassment (11)


2. Man is living without knowing the cause of failure.

1) He does not understand the calling of God (9)

2) He does not understanding the fear of sin (11)

3) an excuse (12)

4) Blaming others (18)


3. He who has left God lives in a curse.

1) The cursed father (14)

2) Under the hand of the enemy (15)

3) Pain (16)

4) The curse of the earth (17)

5) Loss of value (18)


4. God gave the Gospel. (3:15)



5. God gave the opportunity (3: 22-24).

Sermon Text(English)

Bible sermon text (Korean, English, Filipino) - General bulletin board

List of Articles
No. Subject Author Date Views
22 BLESSING OF GOD FOR ISHMAEL (Gen.17:20-27 ) Hannah 2024.10.28 7
21 PROMISE OF BIRTH OF ISAAC ( Gen. 17:15-19 ) Hannah 2024.10.28 7
20 THE COVENANT OF GOD THROUGH CIRCUMCISION ( Gen.17:9-14 ) Hannah 2024.10.28 7
19 God Who Keeps the Covenant ( Gen.17:1-18 ) Hannah 2024.10.27 7
18 YOU WILL BE A STRANGER IN A COUNTRY NOT YOUR OWN ( Gen. 15:7-21) Hannah 2024.10.27 7
17 ABRAHAM AFTER VICTORY IN WAR ( Gen.15:1-7 ) Hannah 2024.10.27 7
16 The Result of Faith and Unbelief (Genesis 14:1-24 ) Hannah 2024.10.27 7
15 God who is working (Gen. 13: 1-18) Hannah 2024.10.26 7
14 Abraham's unbelief (Genesis 12:10-20) Hannah 2024.10.26 7
13 Abraham has called (Genesis 11: 27-12: 9) Hannah 2024.10.26 7
12 Prosperity of the Offspring (Genesis 11: 1-9) Hannah 2024.10.26 7
11 Promise of Blessings After Judgment (Gen. 9: 1-17) Hannah 2024.10.26 7
10 Historical facts of flood and the reason (Genesis 8: 1-22) Hannah 2024.10.26 7
9 Noah's Ark, A Symbol of Salvation (Genesis 7: 1-24) Hannah 2024.10.26 7
8 Make the Ark (Genesis 6: 1-22) Hannah 2024.10.26 7
7 BLOOD LINEAGE (Genesis 4: 16-26, 5: 1-32) Hannah 2024.10.26 7
6 The Appearance of Mankind (Genesis 4: 10-15) Hannah 2024.10.26 7
5 The Worship that God wanted (Genesis 4: 1-9) Hannah 2024.10.26 7
» The appearance of a person who has left God (Genesis 3: 8-24) Hannah 2024.10.26 8
3 The Fundamental Problem of Man (Genesis 3: 1-7) Hannah 2024.10.26 8
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