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Genesis 7


(Genesis 4: 16-26, 5: 1-32)


The genealogy in the Bible contains the meaning of mankind's redemptive history and has an incomparably higher value than the genealogy of the world. The Old and New Testaments can be said to be a book of great genealogies of the godly descendants who are waiting for Christ, the offspring of the woman. And at every important moment in the history of redemption, genealogy is recorded like a watershed. As a genealogy, it concludes an era in the history of redemption, and as a genealogy, it begins a new era in the history of redemption.

In particular, Genesis consists of ten genealogies (toledots) that condense and condense the long 2,300-year history of God's redemption. Heaven and earth (Genesis 2:4), Adam's descendants (Genesis 5:1), Noah (Genesis 6:9), Noah's sons (Genesis 10:1), Shem (Genesis 11:10), Terah (Genesis 11:11) 27), Ishmael (Genesis 25:12), Isaac (Genesis 25:19), Esau (Genesis 36:1), and Jacob's genealogy (Genesis 37:2). In addition, it is no exaggeration to say that the entire Old and New Testaments are contained in the genealogies from Adam to the 12 tribes and David in 1 Chronicles 1-9.

The genealogy of Jesus in Matthew 1 and Luke 3 connects the history of redemption from Adam to Jesus. The genealogy of Matthew 1 is the summary of the history of redemption that condenses 4,000 years of Old Testament history, and it contains the secret plan of God's unfailing accomplishment of what He had planned before the creation of the world. The reason why all the secret administrations were condensed and recorded in the genealogy of Jesus Christ is because Jesus Christ is the core of the Old Testament and the basis of the New Testament. Through the genealogy of Jesus, God is showing us that Jesus Christ is a turning point in all human history and the central point of human salvation. In this way, genealogy shines a bright light as a huge vein of redemptive history.


1. The importance of blood lineage

1) Records in many places in the Old Testament

2) When introducing a name

3) When they appoint royal families, priests, and prophets

4) Key words of Genesis - Toredot (life) / genealogy / 11 times

5) Abraham and Isaac's mistakes

6) Tamar and Judah's mistake

7) The blood lineage of the Gospel of Matthew (genealogy)


2. The prosperity of unbelievers (4: 16-26)

1) Gen. 3: 16-20

2) Gen. 4:17

3) Gen. 4:22


3. The prosperity of believers (5: 1-32)

1) Seth to Noah - Importance

2) Methuselah - 969 years old, accompanied by God (21-22)

21 When Enoch had lived 65 years, he became the father of Methuselah.

22 And after he became the father of Methuselah, Enoch walked with God 300 years and had other sons and daughters.


4. The blood line that God blesses.

1) The lineage consider the blood sacrifice importantly.

2) The covenant-bearing lineage

3) The prospecting lineage of the Messiah

4) The blood line consider the three purpose of the calling importantly.

(1) I will bless you.

(2) Your offspring will be blessed (salvation)

(3) Through you all nations will be blessed. (salvation)

5) The temple-centered lineage

6) The lineage centering on the covenant sacrifice.

7) The lineage centering the gospel of Jesus Christ, who once completed the secrets of blood, the covenant, the Messiah, the temple, and the covenant sacrifice.



Conclusion: If we were to summarize the genealogy of Genesis chapter 5 in one word, it could be said that ‘he was born...and he died.’ A vain existence that is born and dies, this is the tragic fate of a life of sin.

However, when we are in God and walking with God, it is possible to overcome such a futile and tragic fate.

Enoch’s ascension to heaven while walking with God clearly shows this.

There is hope for eternal life in God. When life recovers personal fellowship with God, it is possible to overcome the futility of mere birth and death and enter into God's eternal life and live forever.


Therefore, like Enoch, we must focus on Christ every day and live a life of walking with God.

Sermon Text(English)

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