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Genesis 8


Make the Ark

(Genesis 6: 1-22)


Today's text introduces the content of practicing salvation in God's judgment. First, he chose Noah and told Noah his plan. The flood judgment was to take place 120 years later. He taught Noah in advance what would happen 120 years later and made him prepare. God foretells God's plan to godly people who have fellowship with God. Even when Sodom and Gomorrah were destroyed, God taught Abraham the secret, saying, "Shall I hide from Abraham what I am about to do?" (Genesis 18:17).

When Jerusalem was destroyed by Babylon and all the people were taken into captivity, God announced the destruction of Jerusalem through the prophets. Not only that, but Jeremiah also prophesied that the people who had been taken into captivity would come back after 70 years.

The plan to save mankind through Jesus Christ was already prophesied at the same time as the Fall. As the birth of Jesus drew near, it became clearer to the people of God. The second coming of Jesus and the judgment in the last days are also prophesied.


The mission of the believer is Noah's mission, and the mission of the church is the mission to make the ark. Because this land is to be destroyed.

It warns that there will be personal end, end of era, and end of earth.


1. Reasons for Destruction (3 types)

1) Age of unbelief (6: 1-2)

2) Nephilim Age (6: 4)

3) In the time of sin (6: 5)


2. The Person of Salvation: Noah

1) People of grace (8)

2) Righteous man(9)

3) The blameless person (9)

4) Walking with God (9)


3. Reasons to make an ark

1) To avoid the curse (13)

2) For personal salvation (14)- So make yourself an ark

3) For family Salvation (18-19)- you will enter the ark--you and your sons

and your wife and your sons' wives with you.

4) To save Lives (20)- Two of every kind of bird, of every kind of animal

and of every kind of creature that moves along the ground will come to you

to be kept alive.


4. Characteristics of Ark

1) Cypress wood;

2) Coat it with pitch inside and out.

3) Everyone who came in, and animal

4) Time limit


Conclusion: People of faith must have the eyes of faith to find God's will

and plan through all problems.


1) We must not live our lives caught up in the introductory issues.

2) If all of our thoughts are of the flesh, we will not receive true answers.

3) However, if we throw away our wrong motives before God, we will receive answers immediately.


Many difficulties and things of darkness are taking over the field all over the world, just as in the age of Noah's era, when the Nephilim took control of the field. Like Noah, the man of faith who prepared the ark, I hope that you will be used like Noah in this age who participates in the right gospel movement of Jesus Christ.



Sermon Text(English)

Bible sermon text (Korean, English, Filipino) - General bulletin board

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