Prosperity of the Offspring (Genesis 11: 1-9)

by Hannah posted Oct 26, 2024


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Genesis 12

Prosperity of the Offspring

(Genesis 11: 1-9)



After the flood, the process of mankind's prosperity through Noah's three sons is recorded in the order of the descendants of Japheth, the descendants of Ham, and the descendants of Shem. This shows the process of the historical selection of redemption from Adam, Seth, Noah, Shem, and Abraham and the birth of the nation of Israel through him.

Continuing in Genesis chapters 10 and 11, the descendants enjoyed the blessing of prospering. Civilizations and cultures of plowing the land, making plains, making bitumen, baking bricks, and making iron continued to develop. However, believers must pray while they live on this earth. This is because in the days of Noah, all sinners and violence were judged by the flood, but the existence and activity of Satan did not stop.


1. The meaning of the flood was God's judgment on the age. But it was not the end of the earth. We must keep in mind that Satan is present and active.

 1) The appearance of Satan (Ezekiel 28: 12-14, Revelation 12: 1-9)

 2) The main activity of Satan (Gen 3: 1-6, Matt 4: 1-11)

 3) Satan's planned activities (Ephesians 6: 11-12, Ephesians 4: 23-27)

 4) The end of Satan (Matthew 25: 41, Revelation 14: 1-11)


2. The coming of Jesus Christ was to destroy Satan's power and way to

meet God.

 1) In the Old Testament times - the offering of the blood sacrifice made it out of Satan's curse (Hebrews 11: 4).

 2) New Testament Age - The power of Jesus Christ broke the power of Satan.

 3) The End Times - Until the second coming of the Lord, you must bind the forces of Satan in the name of Jesus.


3. The people after Noah began to fall again.

 1) The prosperity of the offspring (Chapter 10)

 2) Cultivating the land (11: 2)

 3) Development of culture, civilization (11: 3-4)

 4) Pride (11: 4)

 5) Do not know the God's blessing (11: 4)




If you do not know why you should pray and evangelize, you will face a big problem. Hope to gain the power of prayer at this time