Abraham's unbelief (Genesis 12:10-20)

by Hannah posted Oct 26, 2024


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Genesis 14


Abraham's unbelief

(Genesis 12:10-20)


Abraham's unbelief was manifested in impatience.

An important subject to learn in God's school of faith is to wait. After believing in Jesus and being born again, God must train his people to wait and endure until they are in God's time and way. But most believers don't like to wait and be patient.

Abram followed the word of God, came to Canaan, built an altar, and called on the name of the Lord (8), but he gradually moved Negev due to concerns about food, clothing and shelter.

The result of unbelief is shown in verse 10, and a famine broke out in the land, and finally went down to Egypt.

Why does God lie? When Abraham arrived in the land, there was a famine and he almost die. It becomes a question like this: Why were there so many hardships and tests after the Exodus? It is the same as the question: Why do we have so many trials even believing in Jesus?


1. How long did Israel suffer in wilderness and Abraham suffer?

  1) The people who came out of Egypt : 40 years of wilderness training, centering on the tabernacle, centering on the Word. From me-centered to Lord-                centered, evangelism and mission-centered

  2) The hardships that Abraham endured: When he was 100 years old, he gave birth to Isaac. Until Isaac was about 14 years old, he obeyed the command to         offer Isaac as a burnt offering and held on to the secret of the ram.


2. What comes after unbelief

  1) Resentment

  2) Complaints

  3) Fighting

  4) Idol worship

  5) Situation judgment

  6) Anxiety

  7) The act of unbelief


3. Faith leaves eternal blessings and unbelief leaves eternal curses.

  1) Abraham (Gen 22: 1-13)

  2) Isaac (Gen 26: 10-18)

  3) Jacob (Gen 28: 18-22)

  4) Joseph (Gen. 39: 1-6)


4. Abraham's unbelief left eternal regrets.

  1) The mockery of unbelievers

  2) There is a disaster on the house of the unbeliever.

  3) Brought Hagar

  4) Birth of Ishmael


5. Why Abraham did not fall

  1) Reasons why unbelievers are ruined

  2) Why believers are ruined


Conclusion: The Consequences of Abraham's Unbelief


Ishmael is the ancestor of today's Arab people. God sent his messenger to Hagar, who was running away with her pregnant body, and said, "I will multiply your offspring greatly, so that they will be too numerous to count" (10). "He will be a wild donkey of a man; his hand will be against everyone and everyone's hand against him, and he will live in hostility toward all his brothers." (12). According to the words of this prophecy, the present Arab peoples have become the largest people in the world as a single people. In addition, the Arab people and Israel have become fierce enemies of each other from this time until now, and continue to curse, hate, and fight.