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Genesis 15


God who is working

(Gen. 13: 1-18)


Jesus Christ said, “If anyone would follow me, he must first deny himself.” Denying oneself means that I must abandon myself, as my master, and become the Lord’s servant. This is because the Lord can fully work only through those who win the battle against themselves, who are killing themselves as masters, and become His servants. So Apostle Paul confessed, “I die every day,” and “I beat myself into submission every day.” Apostle Paul was a man who abandoned himself every day and overcame himself every day. The reason this was possible for Paul was because he only accepted and followed Jesus Christ as his savior.

God works according to faith. True faith means connecting theology, faith, and the field.

If you truly believe, you will not be anxious, worried, humanistic, discouraged, or arrogant (you must believe only in Christ).



1. God works when we abandon unbelief. (When we only hold on to Christ)

  1) 2 Kings 18: 1-20, 19: 14-20, 19:35

  2) Dan 6:10

  3) Mount Carmel

  4) The Red Sea

  5) Jordan

  6) Jericho

  7) Entry into Canaan


2. God worked when Abraham abandoned his unbelief.

  1) There was a problem in the house (13: 1-7)

     And quarreling arose between Abram's herdsmen and the herdsmen of Lot.

  2) Choices of Abraham and Lot (13: 8-13)


3. God blessed Abraham

  1) "After Lot left Abram" (14)

  2) "Lift your eyes and look north, south, east and west. I will give to you  and to your offspring forever "

  3) Offspring (16) I will make your offspring like the dust of the earth, so that if anyone could count the dust, then your offspring could be counted.

  4) "Go, walk through the length and breadth of the land, for I am giving it to  you.”(17)


4. The difference between Lot and Abraham

  1) Lot's life

  2) The life of Abraham (13:18) So Abram moved his tents and went to live near the great trees of Mamre at Hebron, where he built an altar to the LORD.


God's work begins when we abandon unbelief. When we hold on to the covenant, and when our prayer begins, God’s work begins. It is not about speaking well or being good at programming, but a prayer movement in which the Holy Spirit works, a prayer movement that risks one's life by holding on to the covenant that God wants, a true prayer movement, God works just by holding on to the covenant. When we try, we lose strength and reach our limits. When we hold on to the covenant of Christ given by God, not our own strength, power arises and God works. Even in wandering, God worked when we held on to the covenant. When King Hezekiah held on to the covenant and entered into prayer, he experienced a miracle of God.




Sermon Text(English)

Bible sermon text (Korean, English, Filipino) - General bulletin board

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3 The Fundamental Problem of Man (Genesis 3: 1-7) Hannah 2024.10.26 8
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