Genesis 31
( Gen.21:22-34 )
Today's text records what happened between Abraham and Abimelech. There are three short dialogues, followed by brief references to what happened. Through the incident of the text, Abraham is guaranteed the rights of the land where he stays, and also, the well is recognized as his own. In particular, the place where Abraham and Abimelech swore was named Beersheba.
In today's verse, we can see that Abraham was respected and loved by many people around him. In Genesis 12:2, when God started the life of faith to Abraham, God said, “I will make you into a great nation and I will bless you and make your name great, and you will be a source of blessing.”
God is faithful and always keeps his promises. Indeed, Abraham not only became the ancestor of faith for all believers, but he himself received many blessings.
1. Gentile king and commander who are non-believer saw the blessing of Abraham.
1) They have seen that God is with Abraham. (22) v.22 At that time Abimelech and Phicol the commander of his forces said to Abraham,
"God is with you in everything you do.
*Covenant of God.(Gen.12:1-6)
2) They swear each other before God that they will not deal falsely.(23-24)
v.23 Now swear to me here before God that you will not deal falsely with me or my children or my descendants. Show to me and the country
where you are living as an alien the same kindness I have shown to you."
v. 24 Abraham said, "I swear it."
*Non-believer realized God indirectly.
3) The Covenant of Beersheba (25-34) - Evidence of victory (33)
v.33 Abraham planted a tamarisk tree in Beersheba, and there he called upon the name of the LORD, the Eternal God.
(1) God's promise
(2) Evidence today
2. 4 promise of God for believers.
1) Eternal promise for individual.
2) Eternal promise for family salvation. (Acts.16:31)
3) God’s promise for salvation of nation.
4) God’s promise for salvation of all nations(Mission).
3. The blessing of God that we should restore now and always.
1) Identity.
(1) We need to enjoy the blessing of children of God (Jn.1:12)
(2) We need to enjoy the blessing with the Holy Spirit. (Jn.14:16-26)
(3) We need to enjoy the blessing of Answered prayer. (Jn.16:1-24)
2) Power, Authority.
(1) We need to enjoy authority to tie satan and to drive out demons through authority of evangelism. (Matt. 12:28-29)
(2) We need to enjoy spiritual power, the blessing of help of angles through mistery of gospel movement. (Rev. 8:3-5)
(3) We need to enjoy the seal of the Holy Spirit through victory from the authority of the world.
(4) We need to enjoy the blessing of evangelism through witness.
4. The reason could not enjoy the blessings.
1) No assurances.
2) Worry.
3) Humanism.
If we believe and live that God is with us, that will make us different. People will see us and know that God is with us. Living like that is the life God wants,
so if we live like that, we will be able to worship God with our lives and exalt God. So, I hope you don't forget that God is with you in any situation.
In Gerar as in Egypt, a God who does not reject him who cheats on his wife as his sister. The God who protects (keeps) him and his family
from the king of Gerar with an army. God allows Beersheba, a well necessary for survival.
That God is with us today!
When we raise our eyes toward God, who accompanies us everywhere and at any time, instead of being distracted by the things in front of us today,
the permitted place of life will become a place of worship that exalts the name of the eternal Lord.