TRUE FAITH AND GOD’S WORK ( Gen.22:15-19 )

by Hannah posted Nov 03, 2024


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Genesis 33



( Gen.22:15-19 )



More than anyone else, God was pleased that Abraham had passed the test. And God recognized Abraham. “ Now I know that you fear God, because you have not withheld from me your son, your only son."

In verses 15-16, “The angel of the Lord called Abraham a second time from heaven and said to him, “I swear by myself, says the Lord, because you have done this and have not withheld your son, your only son.”

God is making a promise in his name. In simple terms, he is saying, ‘I guarantee and take responsibility for the promises I give you and the blessings I give you!’

True faith can see the work of God. True faith can show by the true confession and true devotion. When Moses show his faith God divided the red sea.

Like wise Abraham gave true devotion because he has true faith.


1. Key point of the book of Genesis

Chapter 1 : True blessing.

Chapter 2 : Covenant of God.

Chapter 3 : Fall of man and the Gospel.

Chapter 4 : True worship and false worship.

Chapter 5 : People of the covenant and people who are out side covenant.

Chapter 6 : Nephilim and the Ark of salvation.

Chapter 7 : The Ark of salvation.

Chapter 8 : Saved people and animal.

Chapter 9 : Mistake of Noah and blessing of his children.

Chapter 10 : People are spread.

Chapter 11 : Tower of Babel.

Chapter 12 : Corruption and salvation.

Chapter 13, 14, 15 : Depart of nephew and success.

Chapter 16 : Birth of Ishmael.

Chapter 17 : Prophecy of birth of Isaac.

Chapter 18 : Entertain angels.

Chapter 19 : Prophecy of destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah.

Chapter 20 : Unbelief of Abraham.

Chapter 21 : Birth of Isaac.


2. God’s promise for Abraham.

  1) Four promises. (Gen22:16-18)

     v.16 and said, "I swear by myself, declares the LORD, that because you have done this and have not withheld your son, your only son,

     v.17 I will surely bless you and make your descendants as numerous as the stars in the sky and as the sand on the seashore.

         Your descendants will take possession of the cities of their enemies,

    v.18 and through your offspring all nations on earth will be blessed, because you have obeyed me."

  2) The things that God make Abraham discard - unbelief

  3) God gave new blessing.


3. Abraham passed test.

  1) Test of offering (Gen. 22:1)

  2) He offered the most precious thing(Gen.22:2)

  3) He believed the power of God.(Gen.22:5)


4. Abraham confirmed his true faith.

  1) He met angel of God. (22:15)

  2) God swear. (22:16)

  3) Blessing of numerous number of descendants (22:17)

  4) Victory of descendants(22:17)

  5) Door of mission opened. (22:18)



Abraham finally passed God's test. God confirmed where the center of his heart is and who he is serving as the owner of his heart.

Even though Abraham had his son Isaac, who was like his life, at the age of 100, he thoroughly held on to the essence of the revelation 

that the event meant. He was interpreting the fact that Isaac was the first fruit of God's covenant given to Abraham and at the same time

he was the successor to the covenant from the perspective of redemptive history. Abraham discerned through revelatory insight that Isaac was

a party to God's next covenant and the only covenant channel that could not be abandoned under any circumstances. For this reason,

he was confident that even if Isaac died, God would bring him back to life and continue to carry on the covenant. Because of this,

Abraham was able to trust God's covenant with pure faith. God's sovereign hand of grace provided providentially interfered with his entire personality.

God was satisfied with Abraham's full trust and obedient faith. In response, he did not hold back his praise, saying, “Now I know that you fear God,

because you have not withheld from me your son, your only son."” Of course, this expression is not because God do not know the center of Abraham,

but it is only a description that relatively emphasizes God's satisfaction.

We don't live for us. If there are still tests we must pass, We must pass them for the sake of our children.

If there are trials and sufferings that we still have to go through, we must overcome them for the sake of the church.

Because it's not living for us anymore.

It is the privilege of Christians to bless all peoples. This is the blessing of the blessings that no one else can imitate.

When we face a test in life, if we overcome the test, we will receive this kind of blessing. We receive God's approval, we grow spiritually,

and we become people who bless others.

Therefore, I pray in the name of the Lord that you become a person recognized by God, not a person you want.