by Hannah posted Nov 03, 2024


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Genesis 35



( Gen.24:1-9 )  



The story of today's text shows us Abraham's great faith once again. That faith is unshakable trust in God's covenant and faith in obeying God's will to the end. It is a faith that knows how to entrust everything to God's guidance with that trust and obedience. Abraham's trust leads to his other confidence.

Another certainty is the certainty that God will surely prepare a woman who will come to the promised land, marry Isaac, and give birth to offspring.

We can confirm that confidence in his words, "He (God) will send his messenger ahead of you, and you will take a wife for my son from there.“  

Those who prepare can overcome tribulations. When you prepare materials you can over come poverty. When you prepare power you can overcome enemy. When you prepare workers you can overcome the world. But most important thing you need to prepare is spiritual faith to overcome everything.



1. The reason to prepare faith

  1) Matt.24:1-14

  2) Rev.1:3 Blessed is the one who reads the words of this prophecy, and blessed are those who hear it and take to heart what is written in it,

      because the time is near.

  3) 2 Tim.3:1-14

  4) 2 Tim4:1-9

  5) Gen.6:14, 18-20

  6) Rom.15:4, 1 Cor.10:11, 2 Peter 2:1-9


2. The reason to prepare faith through the word of God.

  1) The age of pluralism come.

  2) The age of religious ecumenical come.

  3) The age of mixed ideology come.

  4) Individual and ages will go away.

  5) We need to prepare for future.


3. What we must prepare?(24:1-9)

  1) We need to reserve the blessings of God. (1)

    (1) Worldly blessing

    (2) Heavenly blessing

  2) We need to prepare devoted worker. (2-3)

    (1) Connected faith.

    (2) Authorized possessions.

    (3) Authorized descendant

  3) Do not choose the wife of Isaac from Canaan.(Choose from same faith).(6)

      Do not bring Isaac to Chaldea.

  4) You need to be led by work of God.(7)



Conclusion: Abraham's Faith for Isaac's Wife

Abraham's servant, who received instructions, was worried about Abraham by saying this and that, and Abraham said a very special thing to that servant.

'My God will send his messenger ahead of you.' This means that you have nothing to worry about, you just have to go, you will see my daughter-in-law

that God has already prepared for you, and you just have to bring her. . “The Lord, the God of heaven, who took me from my father’s house and from

the land of my homeland, spoke to me and swore to me, saying, ‘To your offspring I will give this land. Verse 7 says, “Choose a wife for your son.”

Rebekah, who was selected by Abraham's servant guided by God in this way, answered on the spot "I will go" when the elders of the family asked her,

"Do you want to go with this man?" (58) and followed the servant to where Isaac was. We witness God's amazing grace and providence in giving

Abraham who left his hometown after hearing the word of God, "Leave your country, your relatives, and your father's house, and go to the land I will show

you" (Genesis 12:1), as his daughter-in-law a woman who made the same decision and was able to leave her hometown and home. God wanted to continue

fulfilling the covenant He made with Abraham through Rebekah, who had the same obedient faith as Abraham. To those who believe and obey like this,

God will surely respond with goodness and work amazingly. We should be able to entrust everything in our lives to God's guidance. To those who have

such faith, God will allow them to enjoy the same blessings He gave to Abraham.