LET US RAISE THE WORKER OF FAITH (Posture of the servant) ( Gen. 24:28-49 )

by Hannah posted Nov 03, 2024


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Genesis 37



(Posture of the servant)

( Gen. 24:28-49 )



The matchmaker for the marriage of Abraham's son Isaac was a faithful old servant who had been helping with the housework in Abraham's home.

At Abraham's request, he leaves for Mesopotamia, Abraham's hometown, to find a bride. When he arrives at his master's hometown, he rests by a well.

At that time, the servant prayed as he saw many virgins coming to draw water. ‘Please help me meet the person whom God has prepared and chosen to become my master’s daughter-in-law.’ As soon as he finished praying, a woman appeared. The servant’s joy was indescribable. Because God's answer was

right in front of us.

In fact, what makes us happier than that something has come true for us is the fact that God has heard our prayers. When we confirm that God has heard

our prayers, paid close attention to us, and answered us, we begin to come to life spiritually. You will be filled with joy.


<The importance of the word movement>

* Workers will arise in church.

* Devoted workers will arise in job place.

* Devoted workers will arise in business place.

* It is way to save region, age and future.


1. Abraham who raise the servant of faith.

  1) Gen.13:18 So Abram moved his tents and went to live near the great trees of Mamre at Hebron, where he built an altar to the LORD.

  2) Gen.14:14 When Abram heard that his relative had been taken captive, he called out the 318 trained men born in his household and went in pursuit

     as far as Dan.

  3) Gen.15:1-5

  4) Gen.17:1-5

  5) Gen.18:1-9

  6) Gen.19:1-10


2. Abraham entrust commission to the servant.

  1) Start

  2) Process

  3) Finish


3. Abraham’s servant who is man of faith. (28-49)

  1) He is waiting for answer of prayer.(28-31)

  2) He knows the will of his master well. (33)

  3) He exalted the Lord God. (35)

  4) He exalted his master.(35)

  5) He confessed his faith (36)

  6) He confessed his commission.(37-49)

    (1) Promise with his master(37)

    (2) He believed the guidance of God. (40)

    (3) He confessed the anwer from God. (41-49)


4. Conclusion.

Let us raise the man of prayer.

  1) Correct prayer.

  2) Correct contents.


The world always looks towards worldly values ​​and tempts us that the right way is to have more things in our hands and enjoy them. But let us lift our eyes and look at the Lord who is still faithfully fulfilling His promises. And let us confirm every day that we are standing on the Lord’s faithful path. At that time,

we too will become faithful servants of the Lord and channels of life that save the people of the world and make the Lord's will come true. I bless you that

you will be held by the Lord and used preciously for the rest of your life.