by Hannah posted Nov 05, 2024


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Genesis 40



( Gen.25:19-26 )



How much does Isaac say he prayed for his wife to become pregnant? Let’s read verse 26 again. “After this, his brother came out, with his hand grasping

Esau's heel; so he was named Jacob. Isaac was sixty years old when Rebekah gave birth to them.” Isaac was sixty years old when he had twin sons.

However, Isaac was 40 years old when he got married (verse 20). What can we learn from this? It is said that Isaac prayed for 20 years to have a son.

We must learn patience in prayer from Isaac.

In the book of Genesis recorded specifically about the world conquest, sin, suffering, and mystery of prayer. God is living and His words are fulfilled even now. He is answering prayer particularly and fulfills His work of salvation. He knows the work of satan so He works through the Holy Spirit and helps us through

the angels now.


1. The key verse of the book of Genesis.

    Genesis 1:27-28 Original status and authority of man,

    Genesis 3:1-6 The fundamental problem of man, 16-20 Adam's life in the flesh,

    Genesis 3:15 The only solution, the covenant of Christ

    Genesis 6:1-20 Nephilim era and flood judgment,

    Genesis 12:1-10 Abraham, the father of faith, and the land of Canaan,

    Genesis 22:1-13 When they were about to offer Isaac as a burnt offering,  they discovered the secret of the ram.

    Genesis 26:10-26 He increased Isaac in Gerar,

    Genesis 28:10-22 Jacob's dream of the throne of heaven at Bethel,

    Genesis 32:22-32 Jacob’s name is changed to Israel

    Genesis 39:1-6 Joseph sold as a slave to Potiphar


2. The reason that Isaac has late answer.

  1) Because Isaac must know the great mystery.

      Deut.6:6-8, Isa. 40:1-8, Eze.37:1-14

  2) Because Isaac must pray.

    (1) Gen.25:21 Isaac prayed to the LORD on behalf of his wife, because she was barren. The LORD answered his prayer, and his wife Rebekah became                     pregnant.

    (2) Samuel: Hannah’s prayer

    (3) Samson: The Nazarite son of Manoah who only came to know Jehovah through an angel.

    (4) John the baptist: Luke 1:5,9 Zechariah and Elizabeth

  3) Because God want to give twin to Isaac.

    (1) Gen.25:22 The babies jostled each other within her, and she said, "Why is this happening to me?" So she went to inquire of the LORD.

    (2) 1 Samuel chaper 1. Hannah’s prayer.

  4) God want to reveal the important plan of God.

    (1) Gen. 25:23 The LORD said to her, "Two nations are in your womb, and two peoples from within you will be separated; one people will be stronger than            the other, and the older will serve the younger."

    (2) God explained the life centered by God, and centered by man.

    (3) Start of two faith.

    (4) Procedure of two faith.

    (5) Result of two faith



We must repent of our failure to hold on to the covenant and pray with complete patience like Isaac. Even if we pray, we must repent for only praying

briefly when necessary. We must repent for not being able to kneel before the Lord while asking others to pray. Even if we pray, we must repent that

our prayers were not based on God's word of promise. Even while praying, we must repent of our doubts and failure to fully believe that God will fulfill

His covenant within His time schedule. And we have to decide like this. Heavenly Father, from now on, I will continue to build an altar of prayer.

Like Isaac, I will hold on to God’s promise and pray without doubting.

I bless in the name of the Lord that you will have the grace to fulfill God's covenant by praying like Isaac.