by Hannah posted Nov 06, 2024


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Genesis 52





(Gen. 30:25-43)



It has been 14 years since Jacob left his hometown. He served the first seven years to get Rachel, and the second, through Laban's trick, to get Leah and served seven more years. During the second seven years Jacob took concubines and wives and bore children. Now, after serving the promised period, Jacob decides to return to his hometown. However, realistically, there was no normal way for Jacob to return to his hometown with his family. If he receives a wage and serve, his return will not be able to be guaranteed, but if he leaves Laban right now, it is because there is no way to take care of his family. Jacob must have thought of many calculations and tricks until he told Laban to let him go back to his hometown. Jacob had an idea. Jacob tells Laban that he doesn't have to give him

anything. Instead, Jacob offered himself absolutely unfavorable conditions to reassure Laban to accept the covenant he offered.


Laban want to utilize Jacob so he use many deceptions. Laban utilize Jacob 20 years. But God blessed Jacob continually. God gave Jacob children

to form 12 tribes and God gave Jacob material blessing.



1. Jacob received material blessing.

  1) The people of the covenant get victory in earth.

  2) God gave evidence of material and health to the people of the covenant.

  3) The place where the people of the covenant stay were blessed. (Gen.30:26-27)

     v. 26. Give me my wives and children, for whom I have served you, and I will be on my way. You know how much work I've done for you."

     v. 27. But Laban said to him, "If I have found favor in your eyes, please stay. I have learned by divination that the LORD has blessed me because of you."

  4) Reason

    (1) God is God of covenant.

    (2) God will fulfill His covenant surely.

    (3) God will work certainly to the place where the people of the covenant stay.

    (4) God performed miracle sometimes the place where the covenant will fulfill. (Heb.11:19-21)


2. Jacob’s answered prayer.

  1) He realized his position. (Gen.30:25)

    (1) To realize identity.

    (2) To realize covenant.

  2) He has assurance.(Gen.30:31-32)

  3) Jacob’s prayer strategy (Gen.30:37-42)

  4) Result of prayer(Gen.30:43)


3. Why God blessed Jacob?

  1) He fulfilled promise to His people.

    (1) The promise to save you and your family.(Individual)

    (2) The promise to bless your descendants.(Family)

    (3) The promise to serve God in this land.( Evangelism)

    (4) The promise to bless all nations through you. (Mission)

  2) These promise is the promise to be given to all believers.

    (1) Those who realize will get victory. (Acts1:8, Mt.28:16-20)

    (2) Those who could not realize will receive suffering without reason.


Conclusion: The direction of life

  1) The goal of Jacob's life was to return to the land that Jehovah had promised him despite the harsh reality he faced. On the contrary,

      Laban's aim in life was to pursue his own interests. Although they look the same, the two have different goals.

  2) In order to survive in this world, we live lives that seem no different from other people, working hard to study, get a job, get married, educate children,

     prepare for retirement, etc., but if there is something different, it is our orientation toward heaven.

  3) We have the covenant that Jesus Christ made through the blood of the cross. Jesus Christ paid the price with his blood and covenanted the kingdom of

     God for us to return. It is the original homeland pointed to by the land of Canaan, which was promised to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.


The Word given by God is a lamp for the feet of those who are oriented toward such a life. I pray that you will meditate on the word of the Lord,

cry out in this reality, lift your eyes, and live looking toward that hometown.