People Outside of the Covenant (Genesis 36:1-43)

by Hannah posted Nov 07, 2024


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Genesis 62


People Outside of the Covenant

(Genesis 36:1-43)




Genesis chapter 36 records Esau's genealogy. Just as the genealogy of Ishmael was recorded first before the genealogy of Isaac, the descendant of promise,

the genealogy of Esau is introduced first before introducing the descendants of Jacob, the descendant of promise. Esau's genealogy is a very long genealogy of 43 verses and is full of names that are difficult to read. Why does the Bible record this seemingly meaningless genealogy of Esau? There is nothing meaningless in the Bible. Even if it seems unimportant on the surface, there is a message that must be conveyed.

The hidden message in Genesis 36 is that Esau was a person who was obsessed only with the world and not with God. Genesis 36 begins with the words,

“This is the genealogy of Esau, that is, Edom.” Esau is introduced as Edom. The reason he was named Esau is because his body was covered with fur from

the time he was born. However, his name is now called Edom, and the name of the country he founded is also called Edom, not Esau. Edom,

meaning ‘red,’ is a name derived from an incident in which the birthright given by God was sold for a bowl of red porridge. It is a name that clearly

reveals his disposition to lightly regard God according to the lust of the flesh.


The LORD is the God of covenant. God does not enforce anything other than the covenant. But God absolutely fulfills the covenant (Isa. 40:8).

God works where the people of the covenant are. When there are sufferings and failures in the path of the people of the covenant, God performs miracles.


1. God of the covenant

  1) Hebrews 11:1-38

  2) Hebrews 12:1-3

  3) Matthew 28:16-20

  4) Acts 1:8

  5) Matthew 16:13-20

  6) Matthew 24:14

  7) The key of the covenant is Jesus Christ.


2. Esau despised the covenant.

  1) People who despised the covenant

    (1) Genesis 4:1-20 Cain

    (2) Genesis 6:1-17 Sons of God-->Nephilim

    (3) Genesis 11:1-8 Tower of Babel

    (4) Genesis 13:15-14:14 Abraham and Lot

    (5) Genesis 19:1-14 People of Sodom

  2) Esau despised the covenant

    (1) Genesis 25:28-34 (birthright)

    (2) Genesis 26:34-35 (marriage)

    (3) Genesis 27:3-40 (Right to Bless)


3. The descendants of the those who despised the covenant

  1) Gen. 9:25-29 (The descendants of Ham)

  2) The descendants of Ishmael

  3) The descendants of Esau

  4) The descendants of Amon

  5) The descendants of Moab

  6) Gen. 36:1-43(They may prosper but they are cursed people)




Living in a world where people who only look at the world succeed, one thing we must remember is the fact that success in the world is a house built on sand. A house built by a person who lives with his eyes on the land is like a castle built on sand. If you build a castle on sand, you can quickly build a nice and

beautiful castle. This is because it does not take time to build the foundation. However, when a windy or rainy day comes, the house collapses.

In fact, Edom has become a lost people. Only the original site remains, lonely but powerfully demonstrating that success in the world is a castle built on sand.

What do you look at and live by?

Aren't you building a castle on the sand, looking only at the world?

A castle built on top of the world away from God may look great temporarily, but in the long run, it is only a castle that will eventually collapse.

If you build a castle on the rock of faith, it will not collapse.



I pray that You will look only at God and build lighthouses everywhere that shine in a dark world that God will be pleased with.