2024.11.10 13:36
천국에서는 누가 크니이까 (마태복음 18:1-14) Who Is the Greatest in the Kingdom of Heaven (Matthew 18:1-14)
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Sermon videos of the 66 books of the Bible - Video bulletin board
어린양 예수님의 예루살렘 입성 (마태복음 21:1-22) Entry of the Lamb Jesus into Jerusalem (Matthew 21:1-22)
눈먼 제자들과 눈 뜬 소경들 (마태복음 20:17-34) Blinded Disciples And Blind Men Who Opened Their Eyes (Mt 20:17-34)
포도원 주인과 품꾼 비유 (마태복음 20:1-16) Parable of the Vineyard Owner And Hired Worker (Matthew 20:1-16)
부자 청년의 불행 (마태복음 19:16-30) The Rich Young Man's Unhappiness (Matthew 19:16-30)
하나님께서 이뤄주시는 가정 (마태복음 19:1-15) The Family That God Creates (Matthew 19:1-15)
주안에서 용서하며 사는 삶 (마태복음 18:15-35) A Life of Forgiveness in the LORD (Matthew 18:15-35)
천국에서는 누가 크니이까 (마태복음 18:1-14) Who Is the Greatest in the Kingdom of Heaven (Matthew 18:1-14)
믿음은 모든 문제 해결의 길 (마태복음 17:14-27) Faith Is the Way to Solve All Problems (Matthew 17:14-27)
오직 예수 그리스도만 믿으라 (마태복음 17:1-13) Believe Only in Jesus Christ (Matthew 17:1-13)
하나님과 함께 사는 길 (마태복음 16:13-28) The Way to Live with God (Matthew 16: 13-28)
나중심의 누룩을 주의하라 ( 마태복음 16:1-12) Be Careful, The Yeast of Me-center (Matthew 16:1-12)
믿는 자들을 책임지시는 주님 (마태복음 15:29-39) The Lord Takes Responsibility for Believers (Matthew 15:29-39)
예수께서 칭찬하신 믿음 (마태복음 15:21-28) The Faith Praised by Jesus (Matthew 15:21-28)
나 중심을 벗고 주님 중심으로 (마태복음 15:1-20) Take Off Your Self-centered and Be Centered On the Lord(Mt 15:1-20)
제자들의 바른 신앙고백 (마태복음 14:22-36) The Disciples' True Confession of Faith (Matthew 14:22-36)
너희가 먹을것을 주라 (마태복음 14:13-21) You Give Them Something to Eat (Matthew 14:13-21)
세례 요한의 순교 (마태복음 14:1-12) Martyrdom of John the Baptist (Matthew 14:1-12)
천국 비유의 결론 (마태복음 13:44-58) Conclusion of the Parable of the Kingdom of Heaven (Matthew 13:44-58)
가라지와 알곡의 비유 (마태복음 13:24-43) The Parable of the Weeds and Wheat (Matthew 13:24-43)
말씀을 받는 마음 밭 (마태복음 13:1-23) Field of Heart That Receives the Word (Matthew 13:1-23)