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Genesis 67




( Gen 41: 37-40)





Chapter 41, verse 1 says that Pharaoh had a dream two full years had passed, meaning that two full years had passed since the cupbearer was reinstated.

At this time, 13 years had passed since Joseph was sold to Egypt, and now Joseph had to admit that his dreams could never come true, and his situation

was hopeless. At the age of 30, there was no room left for Joseph to achieve his dream. He was now just a prisoner in prison, a slave.

However, when Joseph was in a completely hopeless situation, God's will finally began to be accomplished.

The moment when no possibility was seen from a human perspective, and so it was thought that it could never be accomplished, was actually the most appropriate time for God to accomplish His will.

Dear believers,

as the Bible continues to emphasize, God's will is accomplished in the most appropriate way and at the most appropriate time determined by God.

Even if a long time passes and all situations become hopeless, whatever God has ordained must be accomplished. Joseph was thrown into a deep well,

sold as a slave, falsely accused, and sent to prison. Joseph helped the cupbearer by solving his dream, but he forgot the grace. Still, Joseph lived enjoying

the blessings of Emmanuel until the end.



1. God leads all incidents and people, but God especially guides the believers.


  1) Jealousy

  2) Death

  3) Slavery

  4) Imprisonment

     In all of this, God was with Joseph and guided him down a path of great blessing. Joseph obeyed his father, was faithful as a servant, and gained

     trust in prison. He enjoyed being with God and experienced the answers that come through suffering.

     Finally, the clouds cleared, sunlight came out, and a rainbow appeared in Joseph's life. The fall is over and the ascent has begun.

     The darkness of the prison was replaced by the joy of the royal palace.

     A prisoner became prime minister overnight. It is God’s work.

     Joseph's sudden rise to prominence was not a coincidence. There was a reason.



2. God’s timeschedule is accurate.


  1) The officials Joseph met in prison (Gen. 40:1-22)

  2) They had dreams inside the prison

  3) Joseph’s interpretation

  4) The official (cup bearer) forgot Joseph (Gen. 40:23)

  5) The Pharaoh had a dream (Gen. 41:1-11)

  6) The official remembered (Gen. 41:12)

  7) Called Joseph in to the palace (Gen. 41:14)

  8) Joseph introduced God (Gen. 41:16, 41:25)




3. Joseph who gained God’s wisdom


  1) Gen. 37:1-11

  2) Gen. 39:1-6

  3) Gen. 39:20-23

  4) Gen. 40:1-23

  5) Gen. 41:16, 25

    v. 16. "I cannot do it," Joseph replied to Pharaoh, "but God will give Pharaoh the answer he desires.“

    v. 25. Then Joseph said to Pharaoh, "The dreams of Pharaoh are one and the same. God has revealed to Pharaoh what he is about to do.

  6) Gen. 41:33-36

  7) Gen. 41:38 So Pharaoh asked them, "Can we find anyone like this man, one in whom is the spirit of God ?"

  8) Gen. 41:39-40

    v. 39. Then Pharaoh said to Joseph, "Since God has made all this known to you, there is no one so discerning and wise as you.

    v. 40. You shall be in charge of my palace, and all my people are to submit to your orders. Only with respect to the throne will I be greater than you.“




According to God's providence, Joseph eventually became the prime minister of Egypt. Additionally, in the sight of the brothers bowing before Joseph

after coming to Egypt to seek food, we see the fulfillment of Joseph's prophetic dream long ago. Joseph, who rose to a position of power, could have

avenged his enemies as much as he wanted, but instead he acknowledged God's providence and forgave his brothers. This is what it looks like to be

a person who has entrusted his or her life into God's hands.

The most common danger for believers who have received God's blessings and become materially and socially successful is pride.

There are too many cases where people become arrogant and do not give glory to God, as if all their success was due to their own knowledge and

abilities, and eventually become intoxicated with their success and forget God. This is why we are easily defeated.

If we become proud, we will no longer be able to receive God's help and we will no longer be able to maintain our success without God.

Therefore, no matter what position we are in, we must not forget that only God is our savior and the source of blessings.

I pray in the name of the Lord that like Joseph, you will always enjoy the blessings of Immanuel, enjoy a life of answers in any situation,

and become the Lord's witnesses.






Sermon Text(English)

Bible sermon text (Korean, English, Filipino) - General bulletin board

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