by Hannah posted Nov 16, 2024


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Genesis 70





(Genesis 43:1-15)




The purpose of God moving the earth is to save His chosen people. For this purpose, each person's actions are being made. God wants us not be deceived

to hold on to illusions, but to hold on to reality (the word of the covenant) and be saved, enjoy eternal life, be used as God's co-workers, and receive a crown.

Exodus 20:4, Me- center is idolatry and religious life. Isaiah 43:21 says, “This people I formed for myself, that they should praise me.” God’s power comes from worship, words, and prayer while enjoying the gospel. The strength of God's children comes from their desire to follow the Word.

Deuteronomy 28:1-2 says, “1 If you fully obey the LORD your God and carefully follow all his commands I give you today, the LORD your God will set you

high above all the nations on earth.  2 All these blessings will come upon you and accompany you if you obey the LORD your God:



1. The great will of God.

  1) Genesis 15:9-13 (The motive to enter Egypt)

  2) Exodus 12:1-36 (The motive to come out Egypt)

    Passover: Applying the blood of the lamb to the lintel and post of the door and entering into the covenant of Christ


2. The small will of God.

  1) Genesis 37:1-11 Joseph’s vision of holding on to the covenant became a dream

  2) Genesis 39:1-6 He was sold as a slave to the house of Potiphar, the leader of the guard in Egypt, and became the head of the household.

  3) Genesis 40:1-20 The cupbearer and the baker met in prison.

  4) Gen.41:53-57 famine


3. The purpose of God.

  1) Ex.12:1-36

  2) 1Sam.6:1-21

  3) Jer.33:1-9

  4) Eze.37:1-10

  5) Rev.2:10

  6) Act.1:8

  7) Mt.24:14

  8) Mt.28:16-20


4. Every day is God’s accomplishment

  1) Famine of Israel(Gen.43:1)

  2) Joseph’s brothers went to buy food.(Gen.43:2-13)

  3) They brought Benjamin.(Gen.43:15)


5. Victorious life of believer.

  1) It is not religious life but gospel centered life.

  2) It is not legalistic life but life with faith.

  3) It is not by my power but by the power of the Holy Spirit.

  4) It is not by my plan but by God’s plan.

  5) It is not my choose but through God’s answer.




Various thoughts must have crossed the minds of the brothers going down to Egypt. The steps they took on the road with their youngest brother,

Benjamin, who was the object of envy and jealousy, must not have been light, considering their past mistakes and wondering if they would be able to

bring Simeon back. Sin always has consequences and costs. However, as Joseph later confessed, we see that God turns even that into good and uses it

for good in the process of saving life, which is more precious than the world, and building a nation. When we look back on our lives, we confess

that there is nothing that is not grace. Just as our Lord came according to the prophecies of the Old Testament and saved mankind by fulfilling His words,

God's Word is still being fully fulfilled in the lives of believers and in the history of mankind. I hope that today will be a day when we remember

those words of grace more and experience how they illuminate and guide our lives. In this way, I bless you in the name of the Lord to live

a precious life that fulfills God’s will.




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