by Hannah posted Nov 16, 2024


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Genesis 72





(Genesis 44:1-13)



When his brothers return with Benjamin, Joseph invites them to dinner (43:16). Here he gave special treatment to his youngest brother Benjamin,

giving him five more portions of food than the others (43:34). This can be seen as a test to see how the brothers would treat Benjamin if he enjoyed

preferential treatment in Egypt, as the brothers hated Joseph, who had received favoritism from his father in the past.

As they prepare to leave the land of Egypt, Joseph instructs his manager to secretly place his silver cup in Benjamin's sack (44:1-2).

He made only Benjamin, the owner of the sack, his servant, and instructed the rest to return to their father (44:17). This was a test of the situation in

which he, who was the most loved by his father, was sold as a slave, and how the brothers would come out when Benjamin, whom his father loved dearly,

was in the same situation. At this moment of desperate crisis, Judah appears. “Instead of that child, please let me stay here as your slave, and send

the child back with his brothers. How will I ever see my father’s face without that child? I can’t do that. I cannot bear to see the misfortune that will

befall my father." (44:33-34) Judah shows his will to save Benjamin by sacrificing himself to the extent that it touches Joseph's heart. Through this,

Joseph confirms the sincere love and trust between his brothers, and finally reveals his true identity.


God is working now.(Heb.13:8) His power is limitless. (Psa.121:1-6)

He controlled our everything. (Psa.139:1-9)

Now there are some people receive answer continually but some never receive answer. The book of Genesis explain the reason well.


1. Joseph’s brothers did not receive God’s answer.

  1) Because they know only physical things. (Gen.37:18-20)

  2) Because they never know spiritual dream. (Gen.37:1-11)

  3) Because they do not know the Lord of the life and dignity(Gen.37:18)

  4) They know only material benefit so they sold Joseph. (Gen.37:26-36)

  5) Humanism, calculationism, egoism are do not receive great answer from God.


2. But Joseph received answer always.

  1) When he is alone he prayed and receive answer. (Gen.37:1-11)

  2) When he was slave he enjoyed answer and get victory. (Gen.39:1-6)

  3) When he was in prison he enjoyed power of God. (Gen.40:1-20)


3. Joseph’s brothers ware deceived continually and realized the answer of God.

  1) If people do not know God’s plan they were led by God in suffering.

  2) If people do not see the spiritual future they will suffer like Joseph’s brothers.

  3) So if believers, reliable worker, and pastors who has conflict must see the future and the world of God. (Mt.28:16-20)


4. Why did Joseph deceive his brothers?

  1) If his brothers know Joseph they will be shocked and another incident will arise.

  2) If Joseph tells to his brothers they will run and never come again.

  3) So Joseph want to fulfill his purpose to deceive his brothers.(Gen44:1-13)

  4) Joseph’s purpose

    (1) To see benjamin.

    (2) To meet his father.

    (3) To save the family of Israel.


5. The blessing come to the people who really believe in God.

  1) In any situation they will receive answer.

  2) Wherever they will go God’s evidence appear.

  3) The blessing to save the nation.

  4) The work of God arise that save Egypt and the world.




Joseph did not forget how his brothers tried to kill him and what happened in the past when they sold him into slavery. However, Joseph did not hold

a grudge against this; he thought of it as a misfortune that needed to be restored for his family, which had received God's covenant.

So, rather than taking revenge on his brothers, Joseph hoped that they would turn away from their sins, form a harmonious family again, and thereby

qualify as people of the covenant.

Accordingly, Joseph first wanted to know whether his brothers' envy and jealousy were still continuing.

If the older brothers were still in such envy and jealousy, obedience of faith to God's covenant could not be expected; rather, Jacob's family had to continue

to undergo refinement.

If they had followed the manager's words, only Benjamin would have become a slave and the other brothers would have been innocent, so they could have

gone back. However, the fact that the brothers are tearing their clothes means that Benjamin's sin is their own sin. And instead of going back,

they all return to the city where Joseph is. Now they will have to go in front of Joseph and show their sincerity.


At this time, Judah risks death and pleads with Joseph. Judah's plea for Benjamin is truly tearful. Judah passionately confessed his sincere repentance

for the previous day's mistake toward Joseph and his affectionate filial piety toward his old father. After repeatedly pleading for Benjamin to return home,

Judah suggested to become Joseph’s servant instead of Benjamin . Judah's proposal came from his sincere love for Benjamin and filial piety toward

his father Jacob. Judah's words greatly impressed the other brothers, and Joseph was also moved.




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