by Hannah posted Dec 03, 2024


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Genesis 79





(Genesis 49:1-33)





Today's text unfolds as a story about Jacob's will and death. We can see that the will that Jacob left to his children was not Jacob's personal thoughts,

but was conveyed on behalf of God's word. The content of Jacob's will was not about inheritance of property as the general public thought,

but rather he passed on the most precious truth in living life, that is, the Word of God.

We must teach the next generation correct knowledge (Hosea 4:1-6) and spiritual blessings. We must teach the reality of God, the mystery of Christ,

and the power of prayer to this nation, university, and middle and high school, and elementary school students.



1. Parents who pray

  1) Jacob who has spiritual power

    (1) Genesis 28:10-24

    (2) Genesis 32:23-32

  2) God’s blessing comes to parents who pray.

    (1) Genesis 9:25-27 Noah’s blessing to his children

    (2) Genesis 49:1-33 Jacob’s blessing to his children

  3) If the one who fail to pass on spiritual blessings to their children

    (1) Eli

    (2) King Saul

    (3) Jewish people



2. The covenant must be passed on.

  1) Genesis 49:29-32

    v. 29. Then he gave them these instructions: "I am about to be gathered to my people. Bury me with my fathers in the cave in the field of Ephron the Hittite,

    v. 30. the cave in the field of Machpelah, near Mamre in Canaan, which Abraham bought as a burial place from Ephron the Hittite, along with the field.

    v. 31. There Abraham and his wife Sarah were buried, there Isaac and his wife Rebekah were buried, and there I buried Leah.

    v. 32. The field and the cave in it were bought from the Hittites. "

  2) God’s covenant that must be fulfilled (Hebrews 11:1-38)



3. The center of the covenant appeared in Genesis

  1) The secret of the called people (Genesis 12:1-6)

  2) Covenant for future generations (Genesis 22:1-13)

  3) God’s power in the field (Genesis 13:18-14:14, 26:10-22, 32:23-30, 39:1-6)

  4) Vision for world missions (Genesis 12:1-6)




Jacob did not ask his twelve sons to bury him in Mamre, but by ordering them to bury him there, he made clear to his descendants his firm will:

Mamre was the land that God had promised to their ancestor Abraham. In other words, even if their descendants lived here in Egypt,

he wanted to make it clear that the place where Israel should be was Canaan, not Egypt.

Even at their last moments, Jacob and Joseph ended their lives delivering a message of hope for the future, that is, hope that the Word of God would

definitely be fulfilled. Likewise, what we must leave not only to our physical descendants but also to our spiritual descendants is faith in God.






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