Sermon Video(O.T)
Sermon videos of the 66 books of the Bible - Video bulletin board
- Genesis
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- Joshua
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- Ruth
- 1Samuel
- 2Samuel
- 1Kings
- 2Kings
- 1Chronicles
- 2Chronicles
- Ezra
- Nehemiah
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- Job
- Psalms
- Proverbs
- Ecclesiastes
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- Isaiah
- Jeremiah
- Lamentations
- Ezekiel
- Daniel
- Hosea
- Joel
- Amos
- Obadiah
- Jonah
- Micah
- Nahum
- Habakkuk
- Zephaniah
- Haggai
- Zechariah
- (Malach
하나님 앞에 나아가는노래(시편120:1-7) A Song of Coming before God.(Ps.120:1-7)
끝까지 붙든 찬양과 고백 (시119:169-176) The Praise and Confession Held Until the End (Ps. 119:169-176)
하루 일곱번씩 하나님을찬양(시119:161-169) Praise the Lord Seven Times a Day(Ps.119:161-169)
말씀 따라 기도하는삶(시119:153-160) The Life to Pray According to the Word (Ps.119:153-160)
The Duty and Purpose of Our Lives (Ecc. 12:1-14) 우리 인생의 본분과 목적 (전12:1-14)
The Life of Those Who Have Received the Gospel (Ecc 11:1-10) 복음 받은 자의 인생(전도서11:1-10)
The Life of the Wise and the Fool (Ecc 10:1-20) 지혜자와 우매자의 삶(전도서10:1-20)
The Life of Those Who Believe in God's Absolute Sovereignty (Ecc 9:1-18) 하나님의 절대주권을 믿는자의 삶.(전9:1-18)
A Life Not Bound by Earthly Things(Ecc8:1-17) 땅의 것에 묶이지 않는 삶 (전도서8:1-17)
The Life Seeking the Above Things(Ecc 7:23-29) 위엣것을 구하는 삶 (전도서7:23-29)
From A Meaningless Life to A Blessed Life (Ecc 6:1-12) 헛된 인생에서 복된 인생으로(전도서6:1-12)
The Life That Does Not Obsessed With Possessions (Ecc 5 :1-20) 소유에 집착하지 않는 인생 (전도서5:1-20)
Two Or Three People With God (Ecc. 4:7-16) 하나님과 함께 하는 두 세사람 (전도서4:7-16)
어두운 세상에 빛을 발하라 (전4:1-6) Shine Light In A Dark World (Ecc 4:1-6)
종말을 바라보며 새로 시작하라 (전3:16-22) Look to the End Time And Start Anew(Ecc 3:16-22)
시간의 주인이신 하나님 (전3:1-15) God Is the Lord of Time(Ecc3:1-15)
세상의 헛된 수고에서 벗어나라(전2:18-26) Free Yourself From the Meaningless Toil Of the World (Ecc2:18-26)
죽음 앞에 선 솔로몬의 깨달음(전2:12-17) Solomon's Realization Before Death (Ecc2:12-17)
나를 위한 삶은 헛된 삶 (전도서2:1-11) The Life for Me Is Meaningless Life(Ecc.2:1-11)
세상 지혜에 속지말라(전1:12-18) Do Not Be Deceived By the Wisdom Of the World(Ecc.1:12-18)