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Bible sermon text (Korean, English, Filipino) - General bulletin board

List of Articles
No. Subject Author Date Views
22 BLESSING OF GOD FOR ISHMAEL (Gen.17:20-27 ) Hannah 2024.10.28 7
21 PROMISE OF BIRTH OF ISAAC ( Gen. 17:15-19 ) Hannah 2024.10.28 7
20 THE COVENANT OF GOD THROUGH CIRCUMCISION ( Gen.17:9-14 ) Hannah 2024.10.28 7
19 God Who Keeps the Covenant ( Gen.17:1-18 ) Hannah 2024.10.27 7
18 YOU WILL BE A STRANGER IN A COUNTRY NOT YOUR OWN ( Gen. 15:7-21) Hannah 2024.10.27 7
17 ABRAHAM AFTER VICTORY IN WAR ( Gen.15:1-7 ) Hannah 2024.10.27 7
16 The Result of Faith and Unbelief (Genesis 14:1-24 ) Hannah 2024.10.27 7
15 God who is working (Gen. 13: 1-18) Hannah 2024.10.26 7
14 Abraham's unbelief (Genesis 12:10-20) Hannah 2024.10.26 7
13 Abraham has called (Genesis 11: 27-12: 9) Hannah 2024.10.26 7
12 Prosperity of the Offspring (Genesis 11: 1-9) Hannah 2024.10.26 7
11 Promise of Blessings After Judgment (Gen. 9: 1-17) Hannah 2024.10.26 7
10 Historical facts of flood and the reason (Genesis 8: 1-22) Hannah 2024.10.26 7
9 Noah's Ark, A Symbol of Salvation (Genesis 7: 1-24) Hannah 2024.10.26 7
8 Make the Ark (Genesis 6: 1-22) Hannah 2024.10.26 7
7 BLOOD LINEAGE (Genesis 4: 16-26, 5: 1-32) Hannah 2024.10.26 7
6 The Appearance of Mankind (Genesis 4: 10-15) Hannah 2024.10.26 7
5 The Worship that God wanted (Genesis 4: 1-9) Hannah 2024.10.26 7
4 The appearance of a person who has left God (Genesis 3: 8-24) Hannah 2024.10.26 8
3 The Fundamental Problem of Man (Genesis 3: 1-7) Hannah 2024.10.26 8
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